August 21, 2010

Cape Shore Foundation 5K

Boston, Massachusetts

While I was in Boston my son and I woke up one morning to do a 5K. It was everything I thought a New England 5K should be. We ran along paths next to the Charles River next to Harvard Univeristy. We dodged geese and crossed stone bridges. The river was picturesque with rowing crews praticing in the river. By the way, these Bostonians are some serious runners. I was getting passed by little old ladies.

August 8, 2010

Mountian Man Triathlon

Flagstaff, Arizona

I did the Olympic distance. It was a great race. Well run and very beautiful! You have to be careful to keep your eyes on the road during the bike course. This race has a 26 year history and is one of the oldest around. The run course is where the "mountian" comes in. I wasn't prepared for that, but somehow I made it. I forgot my timing chip and my racing bib at the hotel so I had to switch to an extra. I made a racing bib out of cardboard. This is definatley a race I want to do again.