September 18, 2010

San Diego Classic Triathlon

San Diego, California

This race made Competitor Magazine’s Top race last year for Southern California. Also, this year 2007 Ironman Champion Chris McCormack was there competing in the race. My son Christian met him and got his autograph as he volunteered handing out GU on the race course. When I was planning this weekend, I looked at a lot of races. There were triathlons taking place all over southern California this weekend. I chose to do two of them back to back because I just couldn’t resist either race. It is not often that my wife Lori is in Indiana giving me and Christian permission to race our hearts out. What was interesting about Chris McCormack being there is that he chose the same two races I choose for this weekend. Race officials did not announce that he would be competing in the race. In fact, but for my son Christian telling me, I never would have even known. The bike course had some pretty butt kicking hills for me. These San Diegans called it a flat course and made mince meat of me on the hills. The course took us past a clifftop military cememtery with the lines and lines of white headstones backdropped against the ocean. The cementery is a top a cliff over looking the ocean and was very moving. McCormack did win the race with a time well over an hour faster than me. How does a human being do that? He was even 4 minutes faster than me in the swim and I had a very strong swim. It was a good race and I always enjoy when a hotel sponsors a race and everything is so close and there are no parking issues. The race was sponsored by Moment Cycle Sport who did a great job.