March 26, 2011

Run Wild 5K

Phoenix, Arizona

My son and I had a lot of fun running this 5k last year so we decided to do it again. This year I ran it without a stroller. I forgot how hilly this course is. There is not a single step that is flat in this race. You are either going up or down. The elevation changes are nothing drastic, but my legs tend to wear on the down hills. It is a really fun interesting course. My wife Lori joined us this year and was on stroller duty with Vayden. My son Christian beat me for the 5th 5k in a row. I managed to finish only 36 seconds off my record which isn’t bad considering I wasn’t pushing it too hard with Ironman California in a week and a Sprint triathlon tomorrow. This is a fun 5K well done by Lifetime Fitness.
