May 15, 2011

Tempe International Triathlon

Tempe, Arizona
The race got off to a late start which was ok with me because I wanted it hot by the time I hit the run. I want to some heat to deal with before I have to race in Hawaii in three weeks. I have to tell you, that I felt good for this race from start to finish. It was a good confidence builder for Hawaii. I have developed a working system of warm up, stretching, recovery and pre and post race nutrition that seems to be working. I finished this race in 02:38:39, which is pretty good for me given that this was just a race sandwiched into my training without any rest or pushing. Christian is doing well also. He took first place in his age category. He did the sprint and felt so good afterwards that he ran the second 5k of my 10 k with me just for the heck of it.

May 12, 2011

Splash + Dash

Tempe, Arizona

It was fun to do an aquathlon on a Thursday evening. I wanted to see how well I could swim. I had the fastest slpit in my age group.


May 1, 2011

OC Half Marathon

New Port Beach, California
Although they advertise this marathon as a fast flat race, it was the least flat of the 6 half marathons I have done. California’s definition and Arizona’s definition of flat seems to be two different things. I was feeling good and took off at a pretty good pace. I wanted to beat my best time given what I anticipated from the course. This race has s a net elevation loss and I figured I could run it fast. I put the official elevation chart below. It is not accurate. I remember so many little hills, both up and down.


I wouldn't call this one is more either:


The race takes off uphill for about the first mile. I ran it fast full of tapered strength and excitement. Then at about a mile you hit this steady significant decline that goes for the next 2 miles. With my legs pumped up from a mile of incline, I decided I wanted make some good time on that downhill. I was pacing at way under my goal of 9 minute miles and feeling good. At about 2 miles and half way down the hill my left calf seized with a cramp. I tried to run through it and switched to heel striking to see if I could release it. I finally had to stop and use the curb to stretch it. I got it to release enough to continue in pain. The cramp troubled me for the next 2 miles or so and cost me the time I had gained in the first few miles and I would feel the cramp threatening on hills whether up or down for the rest of the race. I managed to keep a 9 minute average and finish at a 01:57:57. It was the most interesting and beautiful course of all the half marathons I have run. There was lots of crowd support too. I had opted not to carry water, so I was disappointed when the course had very few water stations. Other than that, I thought it was a well run race and would recommend it.
