March 17, 2012

L.A. Big 5K

Los Angeles, California

This race is part of the LA Marathon, and I wanted to do this race, in part to check out the Expo. As it turned out, pouring rain and fear of getting stuck in a traffic nightmare prevented us from even seeing the expo. As I began this run, I came to the conclusion that my legs are sufficiently trashed from the mileage building up for Oceanside. This 5k had some significant uphill which actually felt better than downhill given the state of my legs. It rained and it was cold and windy to boot. I even wore a jacket. No post race food or even water, but they did give out a finisher medal which is rare for a 5k. Given the rain, the cold, the wind, the hills, and the state of my legs, I actually felt I deserved a finisher medal for this 5k. The race took place at Dodger Stadium. I have not been there since my childhood. It was an interesting course. I ran the whole thing talking to Christian. He sprinted ahead of me in the final 300 yards. The final stretch was down hill and I knew better than to give chase.
