April 7, 2012

Open Water Swim

Tempe, Arizona

This race was a bit unique in that start of the race was at 1:00 p.m. I didn’t have to get up at the crack of dawn.  I was a little tired from racing and swimming earlier today and not eating anything. It was a two lap course. I did very well the first lap but faded a bit in the second. I finished with a decent time. I was only about 30 seconds off my best. I was really proud of Christian. This was his first attempt at the 1.2 distance and he finished it like a champ. I was actually surprised to see him done so quickly. I made him stop at the finish line and watch all the very fit men who finished well after him. He is 12 years old and should be proud of himself.

I am little proud of having taught him to swim also. It just goes to show how important technique is. Christian competed as an 18 year old and got 3rd in his age category.