January 22, 2013

Another Bike Crash!


I have been riding in the garage for some time now for several reasons. First, it is safe and I don’t have to worry about re-injuring my still mending bones. Second, it has been very cold this winter. Third, I have been trying to acclimate to Panama by running on some space heaters and humidifiers to raise the temperature and the humidity levels in the garage while I ride.

Today however I wanted to get my last long ride in outside since it was a warm afternoon and I wanted to spend some time on the bike I would be riding and in the saddle I would be riding in Panama. I set out to do 45 miles on Garden Circle. I was doing well, feeling strong and good about my riding fitness with only 5 miles to go when a woman in a white SUV turned left right in front of me. I was going about 22-23 miles per hour at the time and I locked up my brakes. The bike felt like it was on ice. I eventually had to lay it down to avoid hitting her. While I was still sliding across the asphalt I was already thinking about the fact that Panama was in 12 days. I went down on my right side this time. I suffered some bad road rash on my right arm and right leg. My right shoulder ended up sore and I did some pretty extensive damage to my bike and destroyed my ipod case and right shoe. I had some bruising on my right quad and the top of my right foot.  I got up and accessed my body making sure nothing was broken or dislocated. The woman stopped but did not get out of her car. I told her that I had just got healed and this was my first long ride outside since September. She apologized and I was so mad I just told her to go. I should have got her information so I could submit my bike repair bill to her.

I walked my bleeding body and broken bike back to the house. Vayden was horrified. She hates the sight of blood. Then I began the painful process of taking a shower and scrubbing out all the dirt and gravel that was ground into my body. I sang a church hymn in the shower to help me with the painful process. While still in the shower I made a decision. Once out of the shower I started to get dressed again and Christian asked me what I was doing. I told him I needed to get my run in, because I knew that I would be too sore in the next few days to do it. I went out and ran at race pace. Sweat mingled with blood and dripped from my arm and leg as I ran. Blood, sweat and Tears! The tears were Vayden’s when she saw me. I only would have cried if I broke something and had to miss out on Panama. It felt good to run. I was angry and very happy at the same time to still be functional. I know that I was blessed. I would suffer some pain and discomfort, but I would be able to race in Panama. It could have been a lot worse and I know that the Lord was watching out for me.

I could not fall asleep until 5:00 am because of the intense burning sensation. I had trouble sleeping for many days. I stayed out of the pool for a few days, and when I got back in my scabs turned to this hanging skin that flapped as I swam and by the end of the swim, it hung down from my arm several inches. I went home from the gym and Lori was gaging when I asked her to cut it off. Two days after the accident  my neck would convulse into spasms for most of the day causing some pretty extreme pain. The neck problem prevented me from training for about two days. This incident caused me great pain but I was able to come away from it missing very little training and healthy enough to attempt Panama.


January 12, 2013

1.3 Mile Run


After I finished the 5K I walked around and my calf was doing ok. I can still feel it, but it held and functioned properly. I considered skipping the second race, but decided my leg was ok and I ran the second race fine also. This race was a 1.3 mile race. It is always fun to see what you can do with a shorter distance. I was cautious again and only ran at 90-95%. My s13 year old son Christian beat me in both races today. I am just very happy to have been able to put two successful runs in.

Family Fitness 5K

I wasn’t sure I would be able to run this race until I actually started it. I was happy and grateful to be running. I am sick and my oxygen intake is hampered. Given my diminished breathing ability and my recent calf issues I did not go all-out. I did run at 90-95% however and was very thankful for the ability to do that. Arizona is experiencing one of the coldest snaps I have ever seen. It was 24 degrees this morning. This is the first race where in the pre- race meeting the race director went over with us where there were a few dangerous spots of ice on the course.


January 5, 2013

Run, Walk & Roll


We have done this race for years now. It is a good 10k. I was feeling pretty good. I had injured my right calf and had to lay off running for a few days. My right calf felt back to normal. The race started and within 100 yards my right calf felt like it was going to cramp. It threatened, but I was able to continue running. although my calf did not cramp, it was tightening and started to shorten my stride and ability to run. I thought it was just still sore and I could run it out. In the past I have had issues like this where I just continued to run and it went away. Mile after mile it never went away. It was slowing me but the pain was not unbearable so I continued. My time wasn’t horrible, but not where I would have liked it to be.

In my training schedule I needed to get in a long run today to prepare for the half marathon I have coming up in 2 weeks. I wanted to run at least 9 miles today. I had planned on running the 10k and then continuing to run the 5k course for some extra mileage. My calf was still bothering me but I figured it had lasted 6 miles and I really need to get in a long run, so I continued to run the 5K course.  As I neared the finish again I felt good about pushing through and getting the distance in. It gave me a sense of confidence knowing I had put a long run in. I knew I would be able to finish the half marathon now.

When I stopped running, my calf tightened within a few steps until I wasn’t able to walk normally. I had brought my ice packs and I put those on and tried to stretch it. To make a long story short, I spent the rest of the day on the couch with a heating pad strapped to my leg with belts and was unable to help Lori all day in taking down the Christmas decorations.


January 1, 2013

New Year's Day 5K


2013 started off well this morning. It was a very cold morning. Probably one the coldest I have ever raced. I had to scrape the ice off my windows before I could drive this morning and there was so much frost on the fields and grass that it looked like it had snowed.

Yesterday I did a full brick. I contemplated whether I should run yesterday given the race today but I did three miles at just under an 8:30 pace. I am happy to report that it did not affect my running at all today. In fact my legs felt great. My legs actually felt very light as I started off on the run. If anything it was my cardiovascular system that seemed to be getting taxed. I put in a decent 5k (for me) ending it with a 8:05 pm average which isn’t too bad considering I wasn’t doing any real hurting on this race. I was very pleased to be able to run well two days in a row. I have decided that frequent running with proper recovery and stretching seems to improve my running more than extended resting of my legs. Three days is too much rest. I need to run at least every other day. Sounds like a New Year’s day resolution.