January 1, 2013

New Year's Day 5K


2013 started off well this morning. It was a very cold morning. Probably one the coldest I have ever raced. I had to scrape the ice off my windows before I could drive this morning and there was so much frost on the fields and grass that it looked like it had snowed.

Yesterday I did a full brick. I contemplated whether I should run yesterday given the race today but I did three miles at just under an 8:30 pace. I am happy to report that it did not affect my running at all today. In fact my legs felt great. My legs actually felt very light as I started off on the run. If anything it was my cardiovascular system that seemed to be getting taxed. I put in a decent 5k (for me) ending it with a 8:05 pm average which isn’t too bad considering I wasn’t doing any real hurting on this race. I was very pleased to be able to run well two days in a row. I have decided that frequent running with proper recovery and stretching seems to improve my running more than extended resting of my legs. Three days is too much rest. I need to run at least every other day. Sounds like a New Year’s day resolution.