December 9, 2012

Hot Chocolate 5K

Scottsdale, Arizona

This looked like fun. I am certainly a chocolate fan, especially for a guy. My tastes have turned towards the deep dark chocolate as I have gotten older. Christian and I signed up to do the 5k since we finished up a triathlon yesterday. I have never run a 15K and if I were in better running shape I would have done it just for that reason alone, but alas I am not in that kind of running shape. Besides I figured that the 5k’ers were going to get to the finish line to enjoy all that chocolate a lot faster than the 15k’ers. What a difference a day makes. It was cold this morning. Christian and I were having trouble staying warm in our parkas. I felt sorry for all those other severely under prepared people. This was actually a pretty good race. The chocolate theme is a fun change of pace. There were a lot of people and I got jammed up a few times on the course which cut into my time. I had a pretty good run considering the congestion, my current weight and that I raced yesterday. I got some good stuff for my Mom who is a chocolate lover.